
ProLogis Linjiang logistics Park

Construction time: Location:Xiaoshan,Hangzhou

ProLogis to be UPS, (United Parcel Service Co., Ltd.) requirements to be in the linjiang Industrial Park, Xiaoshan, in the north of Hangzhou Jiangdong er Road(now named wei wu road),south of the NO2 zhaheng river,west of Jingqi road within a block north of custom-building for the U.S. pharmaceutical company UPS logistics warehouse.The proposed warehouse is mainly used in pharmaceutical bulk drugs, vaccines and drug store products,including the general library,temperature-controlled library (15℃~20℃) and Cold Storage (2℃~8℃) and freezer (-20℃), the logistics warehouse planning area of 100.914 acres.A project planning and construction land is 57778.7㎡,the project intends to build a single plant area of logistics and distribution warehouse,a MEP equip. building,an office building,two guard houses.A total construction area of 26886.1 ㎡,of which the warehouse floor area of 25124.2 square meters of total(not including temporary construction office building attached, the device space).

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